Category: ESX

  • Get command line access with SSH or ESXi Console as user root. Then run the following commands to enable SNMP and configure SNMP v2 community, SysLocation and SysContact. esxcli system snmp set -r esxcli system snmp set -c esxsnmpusr esxcli system snmp set -p 161 esxcli system snmp set -L “California, USA” esxcli system snmp…

  • Cisco Nexus team released the update to the Nexus 1000v product taking it to release 4.2(1) SV1(4). They did a great job of documenting the entire upgrade process both in docs and in a series of screencasts. Check it out it’s really worth your time. However one obvious thing that they have missed so far is how to upgrade…

  • an awesome new feature in the just released ESXi 4.1 is the ability to do PXE boot and script the install using a kick-start script. If you looking for information on how to do this see here at billhill’s post. However while adding that feature VMware seems have slightly broken the PXE boot, but…